Sunday, June 13, 2010

Home Staging - Asheville NC Local OnLine Presence

Home Staging - The Search For A Local Online Presence
The Real Estate Home Staging School ™ - Asheville, NC

Your Home Staging Career IS Our Business

Home Stagers, when you think about marketing your business, most of the buzz is rightfully about social media marketing and search engine optimization for your home staging web site. There is another area that you need not forget about, your Local Online Presence.

Think about the searches in your hometown. If I want to find a home stager in Asheville, NC, I am going to search locally. Last year it was reported that at least 35% of all searches had keyword content that was local. So if we understand how people search we can use that to our advantage and target local customers more effectively.

Back to my example, if I am looking for a home stager in Asheville NC, I am going to enter maybe Asheville NC Home Stager. So I need to make sure my website pages have these keywords and keyword phrases. This applies to blogs as well.

Have you maximized search engine local listing directories? Are you listed in Google, Yahoo or Bing Local? Learn how to submit your site to Local Guides and increase your ability to target local customers on the web.

The Real Estate Home Staging School ™ will teach you the ins and outs of local online presence and help you develop a marketing campaign before you complete our home staging course. When you complete the home staging course, you are ready with your marketing strategy.

The Real Estate Home Staging School was founded TOTALLY with you in mind. Having been trained quite a few years back, our belief is YOU need to know HOME STAGING for today, not yesterday! We want YOU to be successful home stagers leading the industry! Your work will not only be beautiful and praised. Your work will be thoughtful of the customer and your business success -money in the bank!. Start learning today how to create a successful home staging business plan and implement skills like, guiding the eye of the buyer where you want it to go, taking an uninteresting room to a show piece, and doing all that through the perspective of the buyer.

For more information about The Real Estate Home Staging School ™, contact us through any of the links below.

The Real Estate Home Staging School
Eileen Wheeler - The Asheville Home Staging Company
Leslie Godbold - Asheville Stagers

Friday, June 4, 2010

Home Staging Workshop

June 24th, 25th and 26th, 2010

This Home Staging Workshop is two days of intensive Hands-On home staging to learn and practice implementing home staging and merchandising skills. The third day of this Home Staging with Merchandising and Business Workshop is dedicated to business development. (The 3rd day can be attended via teleconference and materials, if your schedule demands.)

Itinerary for 3 Day Home Staging Workshop

Day 1- 9am to 5pm (lunch provided)

Home Staging Project - Location 1

•▪ Intense Coverage of All Home Staging Principles and Core Competencies- conducted in a actual staging location.

•▪ Hands-on Home Staging:

•▪ You conduct an analysis of the Staging Project and prepare a written Home Staging Plan.

•▪ You present your report to one of our staff members. Then implement your staging plan!

•▪ The home staging class tours all of the staged rooms and each before picture, for thought provoking discussion.


Day 2- 9am to 5pm - (lunch provided)

Home Staging Project - Location 2

Morning Activities: conducted in an actual staging location.

▪ Instructions and guidance on Verbal Consultation with Written staging report.

▪Role Play- You will conduct a walk-through consultation with the "homeowner". Give specific recommendations based on your staging core competencies, merchandising guidelines and property issues. You will addresses the homeowner's many questions.

▪ Prepare a written staging report on this property Submit to Mentor for review and discussion

Afternoon Activities: conducted in a different room than the morning activities

•▪ Prepare Design Board and a Bid on a Vacant Staging Room.

•▪ Present Design Board to your Home Staging Class and Instructors. Your bid will be analyzed by your instructor

A great home staging plan is of no value if you cannot communicate that plan effectively to the client. Throughout the workshop activities, your communication skills verbally and in writing will be assessed and recommendations for improvement offered.

(departure time may be delayed until all required activities are accomplished)


Day 3 - 9 to 4pm (lunch provided)

Home Staging Business Development Workshop

4 pm- Business Development Graduation Ceremony

This Business Development Day can be conducted via a teleconference with one of our Head Instructors

Morning Activities-

•▪ Business Development-Names-Business Set up- Accounting-Customer Service-Business Research

•▪ Branding and Marketing-Internet and it's benefits- Networking - SEO

Afternoon Activities-

•▪ Role Playing- How to effectively turn a received call into a new client

•▪ Create A Home Staging Business Plan . This instrument can mean the difference between a Business Success and a Business failure!

4pm- Graduation Ceremony Home Staging Graduate Logo

All Home Staging Graduates will receive their diploma and graduate materials during their graduation ceremony. Photos will be taken of all graduates to remember this event.

If you are interested in joining our June 24th, 25th and 26th 2010 Three Day Home Staging Workshop go to the Contact Us page on our website.

The Real Estate Home Staging School

(828) 337-9954 OR (828) 658-1790